How many people on here are here to connect with other atheist for dating?
I joined for dating, but I've just enjoyed reading and responding to posts!
I'm here for community and dating. It turns out, I spend less time trying to meet women than I do just trying to have fun conversations. I wonder if those are the same things? I wouldn't know, I haven't dated in eighteen years.
The easiest way to answer that is check their bio it tells whether they want to date or not
I saw an advertisement as a dating site and followed that.
Atheists, yes.
Agnostic, yes
Apathiest, yes.
Thiest, no.
Believer, no.
Spiritual, yes
Well, I'm single. When things must happen, they simply happen. If I meet my next date through here, great. In the meantime, I better enjoy the rest. I don't even worry about that.