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So I have been thinking of how to design a nucleonics quantum processor. my current design is a peas in a pod of spin polarized rubidium in a swnt. this is wrapped with an array of htsc squids.. kind of like a nano stelarator. the io would be via indium pulsed with THz radiation. while it probably won't work... building it would still be interesting.

JohnBeret 5 Sep 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I have a brother that's just like you he's always trying to build a spaceship engine using old TVs and microwaves.......he's also batshit-crazy

I saw a demonstation of a lifting body at LANL which looked like a small hub cap and was powered by a maser... essentially what your brother might be trying to do. It does work.

And that is BatMan shit crazy btw.

@JohnBeret awesome may all your dreams come true


I think tellurium would give you a much higher processing speed given that it would increase the power to ratio by approximately 35%.

JimG Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

indium is 2 orders of magnitude more common than tellurium... I also think it has more easily accessible nuclear spin polarizations.


Sure you have, sweetie......

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