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Yesterday A Senior White House official made statements about Trump.
Today Barak Obama made similar statements.
Could this be the beginning of a landslide on Trump?

Bendog 7 Sep 7

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If it is true that people will buy lies if they hear them often enough, then We should be heaping on major helpings of the Truth as often as possible!


I’ve wondered if it’s naturally occurring ..or elelection motivated … likely both.

Varn Level 8 Sep 8, 2018

It cannot be the beginning, the guy didn't even get the popular vote. The only thing holding Trump up right now is a Republican majority who don't have the political courage to call bullshit. So his end will come in one of two ways.

  1. Robert Mueller brings forth a report with clear evidence that costs Trump a good amount of his tribal supporters and in turn his Republican majority support.
  2. Democrats sweep enough of the midterms to impeach and gain enough Senate votes through both elections and through bipartisan support to remove him from office.

I am glad Obama is coming forward to rally the Democrats and Moderates into standing up for a change, just hope it doesn't backfire and gain Trump back support he was losing with the racists.


Let's hope so. I'm very interested in reading Woodward's book. I have no idea what kind of impact the book may have, insofar as 45's continuing on as POTUS, but Woodward has a great deal of credibility, in general.

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