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Who likes obscure words? I have just come across this one anthropophagi.

azzow2 9 Sep 7

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Niblings is how I describe my sister’s kids, but alas, I am pedantic.


Pentotenatotricalcicoberilico with chocolate flavor did not know that word nor did Google search.

@azzow2 it's not a word but a memory of my younger days in middle school many years ago. It did come back out of the blue when I was reading this posting and it was typed out just like that. Also, it's not English. It's funnier in my mother's tongue anyway. If you would've found it online then I would've been more surprised. Long story short, it's a bogus word built with three concatenated real words, meant as a joke.


sesquipedalian or hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia

Love it when I worked for Stroh's in Pennsylvania the guys would say don't use them there ten dollar words say what you need to say in English lol.


well i hadn't heard it, but phage is eat, so it wasn't too hard to figure out!


bacteriophage French interesting.


LiterateHiker is mostly right, it was synonymous with cannibal for most of it time in which is was used.

It is an older version of the term, and refers to a race of people who were cannibals as a defining feature. Comes from the Greeks and was used some by Shakespeare.


Skeuomorph - Something designed to look as though it does the job it is supposed to do. Apple is famous for this: making the Notepad app look like a real paper notepad, making the delete tool look like a real rubbish bin. It doesn't have to be visual: The fake shutter-click noise of digital cameras is a skeuomorph.

One of my favorites.


"Anthropophagi" means eaters of human flesh; cannibals.


Just leaned a new word, "anodyne," by reading Time magazine. It means:

  1. anything that relieves distress or pain; or

  2. a medicine that relieves distress or pain.

It looked familiar, I had seen in an old first aid book.

anodyne and alcohol are synonyms.


I'm gonna take a guess before I look it up... A viral infection that comes from humans..? ??‍♂️

No, it, however, is an ancient practice some of the tribes did it to their enemies and the old.

@azzow2 Oh no ! Runs away .....

@azzow2 Ah... Alas, I'm a vegetarian.

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