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How come that Nazis are walking on our streets

bengt 2 Sep 7

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I don't know, why are any racial hate groups walking our streets, and worse, why do we seem to be focused on only one of those groups rather than all of them?


because the right wing loves them and the centrists think it's protected speech, leaving only a minority who understand that tolerating blatant intolerance doesn't make your society more tolerant.


Where is that at??….your streets...where are they?


Because we as a society permitted the far right to have a platform. Political correctness is just that - correct. It’s absolutely essential to be intolerant towards the intolerant. Language is the first line to be breached in the war against fascism. War begins with words. Speech is the most powerful tool we have and to have freedom of speech we must also be responsible for the power of what we say and face the consequences of what we say. Freedom of speech is not an excuse to put other people’s lives at risk.

Livia Level 6 Sep 9, 2018

because the current administration and legislature are not only allowing but encouraging it. change that administration and legislature, and that means locally too.



The Nazis and other racists groups were always there. The relatively large amount of refugees in recent years were used as a scapegoat for all kinds of problems. Your wages are too low? Refugees. Can't find a job? Refugees. Don't have enough money to live? Refugees. Too much crime? Refugees (all while big corporations make the biggest profits in decades and the crime rates are sinking and sinking). Lies are being told, all kind of fears are exploited, some individual cases of crimes are being blown up and the blame is laid on all refugees and all migrants. The politicians who are responsible for the stagnating wages and tax cuts for the corporations have no incentive to contradict the message of the Nazis, so they go along with it. This leads to a big shift in the social discourse. More people tend to agree that the migration is bad, which is also amplified by some media covering negative stories more often in addition to the negativity bias that already exists.
Also the internet makes it easier for those groups to interact with each other. When in the past you were one of ten other Nazis in your village you can invite your friends from all over the country much easier to come over and have a nice little rally. Borders don't mean anything anymore on those issues. Even if in your country the situation is not so bad, the fear and hatred still floods social media, newspapers and individual opinions. This creates a climate and fertile soil for all kinds of hate groups to get emboldened enough to go to the streets.
But as in every complex situation there are more factors, some details could get explained a bit better and there are probably some things I forgot to mention.
Or maybe the explanation is just: It's the liberals fault. Or maybe, you know what? Why do you even ask this question? Nazis also have free speech, you know. Maybe it is YOU who is REALLY intolerant here.
Yeah, yeah, whatever...
You decide.

Dietl Level 7 Sep 8, 2018

Because their right to peacefully protest is every bit as important as yours or mine?!

carrying swastikas, shouting "you will not replace us" at blacks and other minorities, and openly calling for a white ruling class is not "peaceable assembly".

@HereticSin umm, unless there is physical assault or property damge, it is indeed "peaceful".
Ever hear of Freedom of Speech? No limits on the volume! I despise these racist fools too but My freedoms depend on insuring theirs, as do yours.

"peaceable". the constitution says "peaceable".

@HereticSin nothing about volume, drums, whistles, chanting or signs.......i stand by my comment. You cannot assault other's rights and expect yours to remain unmolested!


Not sure where your streets are, but in USA there are no laws suppressing free speech. Here a person can agree or disagree with whatever they want as long as their speech does not infringe on the rights of others

"The first amendment to the Constitution says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

cava Level 7 Sep 8, 2018

"as long as their speech does not infringe on the rights of others".

Shouting "you will not replace us", carrying swastikas, and calling for a nation ruled by whites does infringe on the rights of other people.

it would take one ruling to decide that hate speech is not protected under the first amendment, which was not written for the purpose of allowing americans to slander each other to begin with.

@HereticSin Several countries have tried to do this, I don't agree. Many countries have laws against blasphemy, hate speech laws remind me too much of blasphemy thanks.

@cava "there is no god" "blacks should be put back in chains". yeah, I see the similarity now, thanks for pointing that out.


Sadly, I think it has more to do with who is currently in office than anything. Yes, they were always around, but they are more bold and more active, now. They are finding each other as well as bringing other in once they realize they are not alone.

I’m all for finding friendships and like-minded individuals online, but it does have its drawbacks. And when a group makes the news, it’s very easy for others to find them. I’m afraid the hate speech is breeding more of the same. I really worry about where this country is going. The hate scares me.

Kodij Level 5 Sep 8, 2018
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