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Will computers and technology turn us all into God's?
Augmenting and replacing body parts with each new wave of technical improvements, we might be just decades away from living forever. Would you want to?

Corey-Ambers 4 Sep 10

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into god's what?

if i could be healthy and sentient and the body parts were not ugly and clumsy and metallic, why wouldn't i want to live forever? i can think of only one reason: being around when the sun explodes and gobbles us up. as what would i then live?

would being immortal be enough to turn us into what we call gods?

let's go, just as visitors, mind you, since we're atheists, to genesis and see.

adam and eve WERE immortal. they were warned not to eat from the tree of knowledge because if they were immortal AND omniscient, they be as gods. (well, god SAID he was a jealous god; at least he was honest about that!) it was after they ate of the tree of knowledge that they were kicked out of eden and deprived of their immortality. so apparently, for the god-believing, it is the two qualities together, not just one or the other, that creates a god.

of course that's the biblical explanation of what a god is. for some religions, to be a god you have to be able to transform yourself into a swan and rape a young woman.



Yes. If I could digitise my brain patterns and memories and upload them into a well built computer with expandable RAM and/or unlimited wifi cloud storage, I'd do it right now. Even if it took 1000 years before I could have a custom built body again.

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