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Hello...just wanted to post snd say hi. I haven't uploaded a pic or bio yet...not ready for that. It's so difficult sometimes being agnostic/athiest. So many people expect you to be receptive to religion or prayers. I just went through cancer treatment, actually finished last year but still trying to recover from chemo and grow hair and I used to consider myself quite pretty but I've taken a toll the last couple of years. I'm working on trying to become a glimpse of what I used to be but not there yet. Anyhow, I've had so many people say they'd pray for me. Also, had a complete response to the chemo which is the outcome people wish for. Everyone wants to give God the credit. I don't know how to respond most times and don't say anything. A friend of mine posted on FB that she lost her many people sending prayers and saying they'll meet again. Stuff I don't believe. I guess I've always been athiest. Grew up with no religious direction. Then meeting people in my early 20s trying to get me to go to church. I went for a bit but never felt what they did or truly believed anything about it. Ended up being in a relationship with someone who used religion to manipulate. My friends say I'm agnostic/athiest because of that...but no...I've always been. Anyone out there with similar stories/feelings??

Jezabel 2 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm sorry you went through that and are still suffering.

I'm recovering from intestinal cancer, but I'm using cannabis oil, so didn't have chemo and radiation, which recent studies show is highly dangerous.
Glad you had a positive result.

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