Holy molly freakin' guacamole... I just hit level 8. I was sure I was going to have to leave this site in my will so that my next-of-kin could finally get me over the 7.9 hump. But I lived to see it...
Bahahaha congrats! Ugh I just started so I can only imagine...
ROTFL Glad you made it. I am almost there myself. huff puff phew it's a long haul.
Love your sense of humor! Do a happy dance and enjoy the T-shirt.
Last night I made it to Level 8. Wrote a "Zippy-dee-doo-da" ditty. I'm terrible at writing headlines. So, I changed the headline four times:
Made it to Level 8! (boring)
Excitement followed by a T-shirt (Kill me now)
A Small Celebration (zzzz....)
Looked up synonyms for "small" and settled on a lively, amusing headline:
MY points keep going DOWN. Doubt that I'll ever get to 8 (from my current 7).
My points went down when a post I commented on was deleted. A temporary setback.
@LiterateHiker That could be it, though it's thousands of points. I won't let it stop my posting, comenting, though would still love to get a shirt.