These Six Senators Have Brett Kavanaugh's Nomination In Their Hands - Lets Call Them
Thank You for posting this! Positive action we can all take from the comfort of our recliners...Call Now!
I just called all six numbers, got 2 real people & left 4 messages, pointing out that there are 100's &100's of judges in this country, is Kavanaugh Really the best we can do? Total time for everything, less than 5 minutes.
Awesome-that was my intention. Especially now with Kavanaugh's credible accuser coming forward .
Already called Heidi but doubt she will defend reason in this event. The will of tRump must be obeyed as, even though she is a Democrat, (primarily in title not action) we are a rancid infected tRump state. I have her "Vote 4 Heidi" sign in my North lawn (Saved from 4 years ago - I am a pack rat - but did not donate this cycle to her campaign. To appease the Republicans, she has largely rejected many issues the tiny minority of Democrats that were here solid base greatly value. I doubt she will keep her seat during the upcoming election.
First, lets prosecute every high-school boy who ever felt a boob without permission.
Forcing a woman into a bedroom and holding her down is a FAR cry from "touching a boob", or maybe not in your mind?
I am not a constituent of any of these senators but I'm calling!! I think this is a great idea!!
Not an encouraging sign if Joe Manchin is on the list. I don't know why he doesn't just switch parties.
Kavanaugh is a gigantic POS Worse than Thomas and that's bad.