Let's make an anti- bucket list, comment something you'll never do again. ??
Fry bacon while naked
Classic response to this question.
I'll never have kids again!
Me too! Lol
I think I've been lucky in my life so far... I don't drink, except a little wine, I don't smoke, haven't really done anything I regret. There's still time though lol.
Marry an alcoholic... But I got two wonderful kids out of it, so mixed bag!
i do not think i'll be able to keep this on my anti-bucket list. i've always said no surgery ever again, but tomorrow i have an endometrial biopsy (which is not surgery per se) to find out whether i have uterine cancer. if i do, then i may need surgery. what can i do to keep this on my anti-bucket list?
I hope that everything comes out ok! I hope that you don't have cancer!
@MissKathleen if i go vegan i will die. i am diabetic. my mother took des when she was pregnant with me. if i have uterine cancer it is likely because of that, not because of my diet, which is virtually sugar-free. i already eat the things you mention. i will adjust my diet more if necessary but i do not believe veganism is healthy. every single vegan i have personally known, without exception, has become ill and gone back to eating small portions at least of fish, certainly ovo-lacto if they remained vegetarian. not a single one escaped illness, and it was always after they'd been gone vegan. i appreciate your concern and your advice but that just isn't going to happen.
@MissKathleen Your advice, while well meaning, can honestly lead to many cancer patients' deaths. This whole New Age movement in feeble attempts to overcome TERMINAL illnesses NEEDS TO STOP because it is leading to waaay more Darwin Awards than it is helping people. Until there is peer reviewed scientific evidence supporting this GBOMB diet, then it is dangerous advice.
i suppose since i brought it up, an update is appropriate. i could not have my endometrial biopsy today because when i got to the hospital i found that the doctor had been called away to do an emergency c-section. so i am rescheduled for wednesday (with a different doctor; i have not met either of them, so i don't care one way or the other).
I will never smoke a cigarette.
2nd hand smoke in the height of the disco era caused chronic asthma. As a mixologist in these inadequately ventilated areas I was a captive to this mix of sweat, tobacco smoke, perfume & who knows what else was in that toxic fog. But geemeny do I have stories.
Vote Republican
Years ago when I resided in Chicago I voted for Big Jim Thompson in order to check Richard "The police are not here to create disorder. The police are here to preserve disorder" Daley.
"Dis" & "dat" & "doze" Daley the man who permitted a police riot while the whole world was watching in 1968. A thug who permitted the roughing up of Dan rather reporting from the convention floor.
I will never marry again, there are financial disincentives to ever remarry.
Have children, mother nature closed that process down.