Should one bring/send flowers on a first date? Not a coffee. A real date. Dinner and a show, or lunch and a ballgame.
A lovely thought....a nice (not too large!) bunch from the supermarket will set you back around $8, and you will have the pleasure of seeing her delight. Sending flowers will set you back $50 or more, and seems excessive in many ways.....
I think it's sweet, and it keeps you on her mind with a smile when she sees the flowers in her home for the rest of the week. If you have the idea to do it, then do. Even a $5 bouquet from Safeway adds a splash of color. If she's allergic, perhaps she can keep them out on her patio.
Well, I wouldn't be displeased, but you do risk that the lady is allergic to flowers. Then there is the issue of where to put the flowers if you do something else after dinner.
I’ve only had that happen once in my life. It was so surprising and amazing! I loved it....doesn’t have to be an expensive bouquet. He brought pretty wildflowers. Still makes me smile even though we didn’t work out
Lunch and a ball game, the beers would be my flowers! Anyway a ball game would be fun, you can actually talk with one another in a relaxed atmosphere, low key and laid back
Someone brought me a bunch of ripe wheat was beautiful and I was impressed!
I don't want to receive anything on a first date . If we don't know ea other enough , giving me anything will make me uncomftable and what's the point ?
Also for me , a coffee time is a real date . A show , a movie , a game will never do for me . Not as first date at least , maybe two months later . I want to hear u talk , not the actors / athletes / whatever .
It really depends on what kind of people you two are and where you are going on the date.
I would say that's your call but it would be better than a set of wiper blades
@Omen6Actual I use Rain-X
A resounding no! I think you shouldn't act overly chivalrous on the first date. Women say they like it and that it's "sweet", but they secretly hate it (trust me on this), and later use your sweet behavior as a weapon against you ("but you weren't always like that" ). A reasonable combination of courtesy and genuineness should work out fine for you. Just be yourself and don't be afraid to show the masculine side of you.
Wrong. I think a gentleman should be a gentleman and not show up empty handed.
Yeah? And what should "ladies" bring to the table? I should not show up empty-handed just because the other person has a vagina between her legs? I thought we were all equal.
@Darius77 I generally give books on the first date....but I also prefer to COOK and stay home to have a conversation. Therefore, I am providing food and professional skill. Thanks for showing you are a TYPICAL man who goes straight to sex. You do know that women have brains too, right? And, seriously dude, do something about that chip on your shoulder. It makes you look ugly.
Thank YOU for playing the victim card. I have NO problem giving my date a gift as long as I know there is reciprocity. But if someone EXPECTS me to automatically bring something to the table just because she happens to be the one with the vagina, then I have a huge problem. This is the exact opposite of going straight to sex! It shows I'm not willing to get laid through any means.
And just because I express opinions that you don't approve of doesn't mean I have any chip on my shoulder. I get along fantastically with women. I'm just not willing to bend over backwards to please them. That's against my dignity. You are free to interpret it however you wish to.
@Darius77 hahahahahaha YOU were the one "playing victim"
Oh, poor's good manners to bring a gift and I don't want to because why should I just because she's a are sooooooooooo taken advantage of......
ugh. Men like you are gross. I'll be blocking you now for being an asshat.
Class act by deleting all your comments!!
I personally feel it's a little over-the-top. Also, they are a little inconvenient to deal with during the date. I would save that sort of thing for after it has progressed to the next stage and you have become an item. But that's just me.
I had my first date in a really long time a few weeks ago. He brought me flowers, which was sweet, but awkward because I had to carry them around since we met at the restaurant. I echo no if you aren't meeting at one's house before the date.
This seems to me a bit old fashioned however, given the age of your date this may be appropriate. I do think that if you get on well and decide to continue to date each other that you could do this on the 3rd or 4th date to show that you are really into them.
In my mind, I would love getting flowers on a first date, after the date had happened, and only if in picking the flowers they showed that they paid attention to my story about my favorite flower - the Zinnia. I'm picky, but I've also never had a woman try to buy me flowers, so your mileage may vary.
LOL "not coffee. A real date" Real date? heh
Right? There are no real dates only coffee and Netflix and chill.
If the need to bring something on a real first date is strong than flowers would do.
But I feel on a very first date it's too much pressure.
I have been known to ask, when my date wants to pay for EVERYthing and not take my half of the cost, "Will you be expecting sex at the end of this date?".
I am up front and not afraid to set my boundaries.
I would never "expect sex". Would rejoice at sex, but I have no expectations for any date.
I don’t by flowers for anyone anymore, twice in my life I had woman break up with me the day I a got them flowers... I’ll by you dinner, I’ll cook, pay for drinks, hell, I even braught a girl a ukulele, if we are together what’s mine is yours but if you want flowers you will have to buy them yourself.