So anyone else have a problem with new rich scientists not supporting poor faction resiliancy and fieldcraft training to help us get more representation against the new government religious infiltrated part looking to disarm the greatest threat armed atheist potheads. What do you do to meet with like minded people to keep each other safe
Everyone read federalist papers number 10 then realize they are disarming subversion for religious safe spaces
Factions are outlined in the federalist papers number 10 it how you identify who disarm you for being subversive with their biased religious fieldcraft we don't have to keep us safe in the future
I believe the only possible comment here is, "Huh?"
I think the perennial roasted patchwork of simian dung is largely. Last week the vildet slipped and gave a jolt to the faction resiliancy that is going to require we bring in a left-handed veeblefetzer to fetz its veebles before it can return to proper shape, being not too resilient in the first place. In the meantime, our armed atheist potheads will have to make do with brown wrapping paper and bronze prebent nails.
You know your duty. Hop to it, sailor.
Ok I retract my bid.
Nobody gets rich as a scientist.
(Do I win?)
If tiu sell companies in silicon valley you do and have problems with regression leading American politics
That is the most paranoid ramble I have seen in a long time.
Except their is the federalist society aimed with an office of religious safety disarming mmj
Yeah. I'm not getting this either. I have no idea what you mean by "poor faction resiliancy" or "fieldcraft training" or "new government religious infiltrated part" or "greatest threat armed atheist potheads". Looks like you may be missing some punctuation in there? It's hard to read that whole first part as one sentence and make sense of it.
I thought I had slipped a cog! Gees. Thanks for pointing out this made no sense. (Stroke? Am I having a stroke?).