What does everyone think about the Groper-In-Chief nominating a fellow groper to the Supreme Court?
a coincidence, total coincidence. he chose kavanaugh from the list because of the latter's assertions that a president not only shouldn't be indicted, he shouldn't even be questioned, because it might interfere with his busy, busy day (golfing, mispronouncing the names of countries, deciding what to say when the next woman comes forward). the fact that he's a fellow liar and groper is just icing on the cake.
Pretty much typical of the current administration. They are not calling the shots on this one. The short list was provided by a conservative think tank and the candidate coached to provide meaningless stock answers. Yes, he will be looking for an opportunity to gut Roe v Wade. He obviously has his marching orders.
Birds (apologies to all birds!!!) of a feather flock together.....
Another soulless white man whose main ambition is to strip women’s rights and dictate what we are allowed to do with our bodies.. although him and his kind seem to be able to do whatever they see fit to our bodies with no repercussions.
Not much. But it's typical; creeps hang with creeps.
Birds of a feather.....!
Sad but true.