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I am attending Sex We can event

Humanlove 7 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Is there one for people suffering from ED? Is it called, ok you guessed it, Sex We Can't"?

Yes,there was a segment on asexuals and LGBTQs, but there are still a lot of issues not addressed compared to my life experience I'm US,but all in all they present what they want to communicate well regardless. loveless

@0752532706 "loveless"? Now that I got a serious response I feel kind of bad about my juvenile humor.


Actually this was just lovely theatre live---no sexual content--more of sexual postive education but dramatised with real human beings. It wasn't what I though it would be.


Haha. KY Horror. Sounds oddly appropriate. 😛 Have fun and be safe.


Cool AF. Just sayin'.

Duke Level 8 Jan 26, 2018

You don't need to go to a cinema to hear or see about sex,just practice with your partner and if you don't have one there are pleanty of adult sex dating sites and then there are prostitutes.

and DIY of course. I respect prostitutes but I need personally for someone to like me even if its a one-off. I'm just deeper than that. can go to the cinema.

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