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Here are my “”Ten Commandments” of humanism:

  1. To create is better than to destroy;
  2. It is better to treat others as you would have them treat you;
  3. It is better to treat people (& all living things)
    as ends in themselves and not as means;
  4. It is better to be kind than to be cruel;
  5. It is better to heal than to wound;
  6. It is better to have friends than to have enemies;
  7. It is better to love than to hate;
  8. Freedom is better than slavery in all senses;
  9. Humility is better than arrogance;
  10. Reverence for life is better than a contempt of it.
Kodiamus 7 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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It is a good list but they remind me of the beatitudes (maybe the repetition of better in stead of blessed... not sure). I like the Satanic Temples list. It is only 7 and relatively well thought out in my opinion

I’m looking over and considering the link of the 7 that you sent. I will try to share my thoughts on them with you sooner rather than later. Thank you for the link. I had never heard of them.


Sounds OK.

Carin Level 8 Sep 24, 2018
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