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Who likes Mad Magazines? Here is the first one published in 1952.

Sheannutt 9 Sep 24

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I loved Mad Magazine. The humor was far more sophisticated and interesting that any other childrens magazine, and any comic book. Much of it we can read today and it's still funny, as adults.

I stupidly got rid of my comic book collection, though I did outgrow them, but I still have lots of Mad Magazines, I hope never to sell this.


I read it as a kid and loved it. It's been about 50 yrs since I read it


I grew up on those magazines in Haiti. My dad would pick them up for us at the Iron Market whenever he took a trip to Port-au-Prince.
My brothers were older and I had to wait in line to read them, but I practically memorized them, even though I'd never seen the movies they mocked.


Not a magazine person.


My brother and I used to get it in the 60s. I loved it but my parents did not like us reading it however they never took it away from us.


Was a huge Mad fan. In the late 90's they came out with a seven CD box set called Totally Mad and had every magazine through 1998 I believe. I have it here somewhere packed away. You read it using something similar to Adobe Reader. Could zoom, move the page around, etc. was really a cool thing.


My brothers used to get it. I was never really into comics of any type.

@MissKathleen It was comic format and aimed at youths.

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