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I've been having to repeat this to myself today.

"I can't fix everything. I can't make it all better. I can't save you. No matter how much I desperately wish I could. I can do what I can do to help, comfort, commiserate and support, and hope it all works out for you. For better or worse, you have to take the consequences of what happened, and take responsibility for actions taken, even if the scales of fairness seemed rigged. You have to find it within yourself to keep on going, and weather the storm. I will be there for you, with you, but you have to find it within yourself, should the worst happen, to get through it and go on. Because no matter what, life does go on. Whether you choose to go on with it is something I cannot help with. But I do hope you choose to go on."

I need to remember this.

onlyduh 7 Sep 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Just breathe.


Seems like a lot to keep repeating. How about, "Yer on yer own, kiddo".......


I love this. It's something I need to hear today. It's honest, but kind and supportive at the same time, and not only applies to others but what I need to say to myself. I'm actually going to copy it and tack it up by my desk so that I'm always reminded of it.

@onlyduh Me too. Been a hard lesson to learn.


I understand this. I said something similar to myself every day when my daughter was actively using drugs. And I am sorry you need to say this to yourself.

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