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Why Are People So Damn Defensive On Everything?

People on here are so damn sensitive. You can't say anything without someone thinking you're being confrontational. We all post to get opinions or discussion or interaction with other people. The slightest opinion outside of your own isn't cause for a breakdown. You don't have to be so defensive.

Now I know why one of my friends doesn't have any social media profiles.

You have to feel like you're walking on eggshells whenever you respond to someone on here. So much so that you have to preface your thoughts with something like, "This is just my opinion" or "I'm not being confrontational or judgmental".

It's actually not just on here, but everywhere now it seems. Is this what society has evolved into? Not necessarily for the better either.

Piece2YourPuzzle 8 Sep 27

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I saw this post awhile back and didn't really see any extra sensitive people on here at the time. Last couple of days though, whew. It's actually hilarious, I was just blocked by someone because I guess I questioned why they were letting themselves get "educated" by someone who claims they have the skull of a human/alien hybrid. No rebuttal, no explanation.. just blocked assumingly because they couldn't handle their belief system being challenged. Hilarious while pathetic.


Lol. I prefer to act rather than react.


You may feel that way...i have never given a moments thought to it. If you are going on social media, any site, a certain toughness is needed!


It’s in real life too. Meh, fuck ‘em.


We all need to remember that agree to disagree is always an option. It's that simple.

@maturin1919 Well there you go, we agree to disagree. Nothing more, nothing less

@maturin1919 That is actually correct !!! we agree (me) to diagree (you) ?


there is a difference between opinions and facts, and if opinions are based on something presented as a fact but which isn't really a fact, then that opinion can be countered realistically with a correction of the nonfact. this is not the same as an attack. disagreeing with someone isn't an attack. it can be phrased as one, but the fact of the disagreement isn't one. when i see an opinion with which i disagree, i say i disagree and i say why. this is often taken as an attack. that's weird. even weirder, i often get attacked back, for real, and by attacked i mean called names, or told that i'm obviously too stupid to understand what it is i am disagreeing with, or condescendingly told i have missed the point. (i don't usually miss points. sometimes i disagree with them, though!) so then if i don't like being called a moron, for example, am i the one being too sensitive, or is the person who responds to a civil disagreement by calling me a moron the one being too sensitive?

at any rate i assume that if i express an opinion without crediting it to someone else, it is understood that i am expressing my own opinion. i also assume that if i express a fact, and back it up, normal people will understand that that's a normal thing to do and it doesn't make me a bitch who is attacking someone. if i don't apologize for facts or opinions, then some people will doubtless be offended, but that is their problem, not mine. even if i call a ridiculous premise bullshit (come on -- if someone says, in seriousness, that the moon is made of green cheese, by god, on a wednesday, i think i can safely call it bullshit!) i am not calling the PERSON bullshit. exception: trolls. i will call trolls trolls. more often, i have cautioned people who call others trolls not to do so without evidence.



I was just gonna make a similar post! When did we have to go to whamby-pamby land, and find our safe zone? Even if you go out of the way to make me me mad, it'd be hard. I rarely do. Someone on here (who seems 99% uninviting) blocked me today. You can dish it out, but you can't take it? Double standard. Person asked me to remove a comment. I did. Then wrote another. Good riddence! I never got a like from this person. Even tho I tried to help. I did get one comment. If anyone could step into my mind for 10 seconds, they'd understand what I've been through. I'm tough as rhino's skin.


It takes an incredibly skilled writer to be able to convey nuance and tone, IMHO.
I admin a couple of FB groups, one is always a potential powder keg. Realizing my margins & that there are FAR superior writers than myself have delegated admin duties.

Add to that concoction a mix of people who always find the worst possible interpretation of something, those having a bad day, month, year, not had their quota of coffee, habitual drunk posters, are pathological skimmers(oops that's me & something I"m aware of & try to mitigate...too often in vain), and comprehension issues.
Still there are others who just like to argue and not really have a discussion. Had one of those on FB last night regarding self check outs! LOL This woman REFUSED to acquiese in any way shape or form, basically just typing out loud while tagging me.

I do think the internet makes people meaner due to the inherent anonymity factor of it all.

A great book on how people behave in groups & anonymity is The Lucifer Effect.


Try not to take all this personally - as the unrest is usually generated from the sender.

Oh, and rub on some skin thickening lotion - lots !


There are a lot of people who have just found the idea that is the reason for this site. When I first realized that a lot of what I believed in ,and was told to, by people that I love, I got angry. I'm still angry. I can't be angry at my loved ones. They care. I can't get angry at god. It's easy to lash out at strangers, and some people are jerks. Don't let it stand in the way of you expressing your opinion.

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