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Where do you come down on taxation of the churches?

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musicman2803 6 Sep 30

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They are a business and should be taxed as one.


Churches use the fire department to put out fires and revive stricken people on their property. They call the city police. And churches use other city and county services all the while not paying taxes. I think this is unfair.

On the other hand, I'm concerned that if we start imposing their fair share of taxes, that will blur the wall of separation between church and state! Churches will be able to openly and legally campaign for political candidates and involve themselves in our politics.


Churches TAX their congregations only they call it 'tithing' which in ALL reality IS only another term for taxation anyway just as is imposing a government Levy/Toll for example.
So tax the Churches and tax them as a Profitmaking Organisation which, when you look deeply enough into them, they actually are.


Waiting staff get taxed on tips, actual or estimated. Why shouldn't clergy be taxed, when they do about the same things as public speakers or entertainers.


I don't want any religious institutions, but if they're going to be here, tax them to the max.


If they make a profit, tax them as a for profit entity. If they're truly a nonprofit & can prove it, give them the same benefits as any other 501c. Simple as that.

Of course they make a profit, they sell, aka TITHE hope and superstitions, etc, they run/operate so-called " Thrift Shops", etc, in which they SELL goods that they have mostly received as free donations.
After all, does NOT their ' Holy' book state clearly that " One should render unto Caesar that which is Caesars' and render unto God that which is Gods'." Well something supposedly as Omnipotent as God does NOT need nor require MONEY only the people running the religions WANT the money and , I ask, WHY should that be so since their 'Holy' book also states that " God WILL provide" ergo, they only need to ask God for whatever they want and God will grant their request won't he?

@Triphid - While a tiny minority, there are a handful of churches that actually operates as real non-profits. They cover their basic operating costs, pay their staff minimally, or not at all, & put the remainder into charities & genuinely try to improve their communities. If they're doing the right thing, I don't care what fairy tales they believe in.


Tax them the same way other businesses are taxed.

Zster Level 8 Sep 30, 2018

Many of these people are BLATANT in the way they promote their hateful candidates from the altar! If we had a SCOTUS with any kind of power, we could stop them.


If they want to be in the political arena & influence voters, they can pony up taxes.


They are painfully long overdue to be taxed !

And back taxes!


If they tax it to make a school, it will probably be a church-oriented one! Under the current admin, you can deduct private schools from taxes!

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