Since when does the president micromanage the fbi at all, much less to the extent of deciding who, on a list of possible witnesses, can and cannot be interviewed? why are we accepting this as normal?
Totally agree! More bizzaro world stuff from the Orange One
since you got an abnormal president?
i may have ended up with him but i'm not the one who went to the store and picked him out. he got dumped on me. i am not alone in that. it would be nice if we could exchange him for a real president but someone ripped the tags off and threw away the receipt.
It is not normal. This is something that would be done by a fascist dictator when he wants a sham investigation to seemingly cover his point of view and his agenda. What is going on is a way of hiding the fact that Trump is calling all the shots here. POTUS cannot tell the FBI how to do their jobs.
I wondered about that when I saw his news conference about it on TV yesterday. Not from US but I found that strange.
an outside view is valuable. yours is... well, let's just say the inside view is confusing to some, and their confusion is confusing to me. it all seems to obvious and awful. how come some people can't just look at a man like trump and see the dangerous clown i see? how come some people can't just look at kavanaugh and see the misogynistic spoiled erstwhile rapist i see? i don't get it. i don't have x-ray vision or anything!
@genessa Some people don’t want to see it because they would have to face the facts that they made a colossal mistake in electing would be losing they would rather grit their teeth and keep defending the indefensible. That of course has include all the crazy decisions Trump has made including Kavanaugh’s nomination. It is so similar to their faith in god when that the comparisons are obvious to me.
I live in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland I find it confusing I have been here quite a few years we came when the border was still up ,I can't bear to go back to that it would break my heart. That Trump boy is pretty weird for a president. And Theresa May is probably worse.
@jacpod No argument from me.... the border was always going to be problematic and the English have no idea about this place, nor do they really care. May is a disaster, Boris or Rees-Moggs would be for Corbyn, well who knows? A United Ireland is looking increasingly attractive and I never thought I would ever utter these words!
@Marionville Thanks -well said I suppose we'll have to wait and see.but it is increasingly nerve wracking!