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My second job is at a facility that allows many tourists and homeless people to use it's toilets ,I work there as a custodian. Since morning, I have only seen white people accessing the facility but an hour to end of my schedule, I wanted to use the restrooms. This is what I found in the photo. Many times, the people pretending to be tourists come and use the facilities for free and nobody ever say "how are you or thanks for keeping the facilities clean everyday" but also I have observed how they do the opposite to my white coworkers. I wanted to end my schedule an hour earlier to avoid cleaning the mess or I pretend that I didn't know what happened in the restrooms. As I thought about it, my intuition informed me that I may be stupid to leave without finishing my shift.A black homeless man entered to use the facilities,and I saw him running out to find other restrooms on the other side. He didn't inform me, and I knew, that a responsible person may come and if I didn't clean,it may end my job so I decided to clean the toilet. When I finished cleaning,two things came into my mind, one is that; does it cost people oxygen to say how are you and thank you to a black man cleaning up their mess even though Iam paid to do so? The second issue was that, I wish Republicans knew that human being are human beings,it wasn't a immigrant who soiled on the toilet seat and for sure,it wasn't a black dudes. So in every group of people, there's good and bad people,thus singling out one group and you allege that a particular group is blameless is illogical. Why don't people use seat papers, clearly visible on top of the toilet?

Humanlove 7 Oct 3

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hank you for cleaning them. I am in college and I tell there are some pigs there. They miss the toliet piss all over the seats so when a handicap person needs that stall they have to clean it before sitting on it.

One asks if it's the parents that failed such people?


Thank you for your work, time and consideration. I always thank the cleaning help. I was in the hospital I made it a point to thank the people as they are the most important people there. How would it be if the rooms were dirty because they did not do their job.


I am an old white guy, who has occasionally worked as a custodian since the age of 14. I take exception to the the notion this has to do with being black or white. It is a nasty job no matter who has to do it. And I've seen people of all stripes with good and bad behavior in the bathroom. In my opinion, it has more to do with mental health than culture of origin or skin color.

Thank you very little for trying to make this a race issue.

I wish if I see life from a different lens, or if I remained innocent as I was when I arrived in America, unfortunately I share what I see from my little perspective.

He didnt say he thinks the shit was because hes black. Thats just piggish people who act like that regardless. The racially motivated part is that no one speaks to him all day while he sees that they do speak to his white coworkers. Victim blame much?

@Wurlitzer no one speaks to the clean up guy on a disgusting job. Get over yourselves already!!

@Wurlitzer, @creative51 maybe because the white janitor sees the same thing and doesn't or can't pull out a race card? Maybe? Just say'n


Thank you for all you do.


I make it a habit to say thank you to everyone that is working a job when I interact with them. I won’t go out of my way to thank people otherwise. I believe most people are like this, so I would not get too upset that you get no thanks.

I’m not sure exactly what you are going on about with whites, blacks, immagrants & Republicans. Though, I’ll agree that for every group of people, there's good and bad.

Because, Trump and his Republicans think that America would be paradise,if there's no blacks or immigrants,they think we are responsible for a failing America.

You cannot say a thank you to everyone,but surely if you go to a place frequently, you get aquaintances with people in that particular area, thus, it's in order to say you appreciate them

@m0752532706 While I agree that people that think that way probably tend to be Republicans, I doubt the majority of Republicans feel that way. Who knows? I can only say for sure what is in my heart, not others.


Thank you for the work you do. I'm sorry you are not respected and appreciated. I cannot explain why some people are rude, messy, inconsiderate and act entitled. I am very grateful you will do this job.

Ooops,I added the missed photos.

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