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JUST MY $0.02 -

I wonder what the other Justices think of Kavanaughty's confirmation. Just for purposes of legal fairness there should be a rule in place that there must always be an equal number of Repub/Democ Justices. There should never be a majority of either party... ever.

Item #2127 on the list of what's wrong with the federal government today.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Just asking - is there anything that the sitting justices can do about some one that they see is so tainted joining them?

I'm sure the Repub Justices think this is just dandy but I'd be curious to know what Sotomayor, Breyer, Kagan, and RBG think or if there's anything they can do. I know the Dems can impeach if they can wrench power from the Repubs in '18 but I don't know if the Justices themselves can do anything.


Kavanaughty. I like that.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

We found out what an EX Justice thinks.


It did not seem to work so they added the 9th judge.

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