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If there is no God, who is the next strongest?

AKA Who is the most powerful person alive?

x0lineage0x 6 Oct 6

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there are all different kinds of power. no one is omnipotent. atheism is not a matter of thinking there was a god and he got deposed (and someone steps into his shoes). it's the recognition that there is no such person, no such thing and no such power.


.... You are so off base and wrong. I don't think you read the question and thought.

@x0lineage0x well, if you don't think i read the question and thought, then it is YOU who are so off base and wrong. don't assume things about me just because you don't like my answer. it's a thought-out and honest answer and it's in response to what you posted. your response to my response is one of those "you missed my point" responses that really mean "you disagreed with me and since that's impossible because i'm always right, you must not have understood." that is pretty arrogant. feel free to disagree with my disagreeing with you, but don't go telling me what i did or did not read and whether or not i gave it proper thought.


@genessa No, not me YOU lol

@x0lineage0x whatever.



"IF there is no gawd"?????????

This sounds to be a 1/4 of a thought. Finish it?

@x0lineage0x nope, full thought...positing a "gawd" so you have to Assume one to debate the question is classic Troll

@AnneWimsey Hi Anne, I think I understand what you mean, but you completely missed my point.

@x0lineage0x well, then, how about this: if you are religious, equating any human to a "gawd" is blasphemy. If you are an atheist, having to think there is some kind of "gawd"-like human is ridiculous. So, your post pretty much offends everybody....

@AnneWimsey not it, not it and I don't concern myself with offense.

Re-read the question.


Jerry Garcia

Unfortunately, Jerry is no longer with us.

@SageDave depending on how one defines with us


The Dalai Lama?

Is that a question or statement?

@x0lineage0x Both, I guess.

@OtherPatrick What makes that person the most powerful?

@x0lineage0x Influence on humans.

@OtherPatrick Can you demonstrate the influence, perhaps quantify the potency?

@x0lineage0x Not really, it was just a suggestion.

@OtherPatrick LOL okay


The Mountain (From Iceland)

Doesn't make sense, provide clarity?

@x0lineage0x Well it does if you know who the Mountain is, but just for you, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson

@ipdg77 Interesting, thanks for the clarification.

@x0lineage0x You're welcome 🙂


AKA Who is the most powerful person alive?


Each and everyone of us, for ourselves




Mother Nature packs a pretty mean punch when she wants to




Strong Nuclear Force

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