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So everyone ring in here... long term relationship, after a series of failed ones decades ago. Now into the start of the third decade with the "one"... but bucket list comes on strong, and won't be denied. What do you do? Step outside? Live without? Therapy? Friends with benefits? what?... talk amongst yourselves.....

Fryan 5 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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That's a big "depends on the situation " from me.. what are hers wants and needs and can we negotiate a compromise.. as long as consent is giving them no problem.. if you can't get consent and need to fulfill the "bucket list" , then you have to end the committed relationship.


So I'm guessing the bucket list is sexual things your current partner would not participate in?

Oh, uuuhhh, ignore my answer below!


Take them with you on some, go by yourself (or with buddy/buddies) on others, or maybe buy an RV so you have your "home" with you & everything you are not joined at the hip, I presume?

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