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What will you do if they overturn Rie v Wade???

Uniquito 4 Oct 8

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Continue to devote my time, money, and energy to promoting Veganism, Anti-Natalism, and Atheism....


DIY time...people helping people!


Work to reinstate it as soon as possible with updated information.


Abortions will still be done. I’m sure it will make republicans nut jobs thrilled to put girls at peril to feed thier base. It’s because of this religious nonsense that birth control is not more widely available and again always seems to be the responsibility of the woman.


Won't matter. There will still be back alley abortions, and with the advancements in medical technology they'll be much safer than they were the last time abortion was illegal. If not here in the US, people will just go to Canada or Mexico or some other over seas destination to have the procedure done.

All they'll accomplish by overturning Roe vs. Wade is putting more money in the pockets of doctors outside of the US. They won't be putting a stop to abortions. Conservatives and the religious right wing have always taken the wrong path when it comes to achieving that goal.

@PalacinkyPDX if you have money, you have always been able to get a safe abortion! It is the people who can least afford a baby (on Any level) that have suffered!

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