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Stereotypes are facts of life. They are undeniable. Does that makes them politically incorrect. Could you be able to make jokes about them?

Michellefrusa 5 Oct 8

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stereotypes are facts of life? by what reckoning? you mean the way bedbugs are, or painful rectal itch? does their ubiquity justify them? who cares if they're politically incorrect, anyway? pc is for people who can't figure out how to be decent human beings without instructions. they're the people who NEED the instructions. the rest of us don't make nasty hurtful jokes not because we're afraid of offending someone, or because a rule said not to, or because it's not nice, but because we actually care whether or not we hurt people. so in what way is hurting people funny?



Comedians do a great job of stereo typing and making jokes of us. When George Lopez first came out on the scene, his material was not PC and he was hilarious.


Stereotypes are by nature nasty put downs: Grasping Jews? Loud It alians? Swishy Gay men? Stupid, submissive women? Steppin' fetchit?
I see nothing funny! How about ditching them altogether?


Stereotyping is generalizing about a group of people, often unfairly.


it depends if its not negative or discriminatory and you felt you could tell it to someone within that stereotype then possibly but it would have to be a good joke not a lazy half assed one however as people often use i was only joking to cover hateful behaviour well might be best not to as misunderstandings could abound


I have always said, I don't stereotype people; but if they want to stereotype themselves, there is nothing I can do about it.

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