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Have we ever had a President that was as easy to get terrible pictures of as it is with Trump? I swear, he has got to be one of the least photogenic orange-stained buttholes I've ever had the displeasure to see.

PolyWolf 7 Oct 9

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It may have something to do with his "soul" showing through?

It turns out he was just full of shit all along.


Right on.....I wish that was our only gripe. It is his character that I see when I look at him and that is only enhanced by his naturally acquired physical ugliness. ???
Not that I'm bitter or anything...............

Completely agreed of course. A more hideous person on all accounts I've never seen.

@PolyWolf IKR?


I have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about!

Hilarious. Not just the pic either, your comment. 😛 The below is the one I normally think of when I think, "How on earth did anyone even snap that, or have the chance to snap it?!"

@PolyWolf I think The Donald's last, best pics were most likely in his "I can't go to war, I have bone spurs!" stage...


To be fair photographing and distributing every moment and facial expression wasn't as easy in the past as it is now.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 9, 2018

well, dubya usually had his mouth open like a dope, but he looks like einstein next to trump.


That's funny. It took me a few seconds to figure out 'dubya'. Geeze...I thought I hated that man until I donnyducklips came along. Now I really know the true meaning of hate! 😕

@patchoullijulie just when you think we've hit bottom, eh?


@genessa Sadly I thought dubya was rock bottom....more fool me!

@patchoullijulie the scary thing is that trump isn't rock bottom either. who'da thunk? but mitch mcconnell is in charge of a good deal of what's going down.


@genessa Yes I agree. They are seeing the results of their 'long' plan. They must be walking around with continual boners at the moment because all the balls are in their court ....every pun intended!

@patchoullijulie what they will one day realize is that the balls they have in their court are delicate. one swift kick and these longterm planners will be doubled over in pain. i can think of a more durable game plan....


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