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Quite the sausage fest in here, huh fellas? Lol how’s everyone doing?

J-Madness23 2 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Well I’m glad to see were all bonding


Ha ha ha... Not sure where or when I got this one..."El que hambre tiene en pan piensa" ?


Ah winning over friends I see. If there's a sausage fest please point me in the right direction, 'cuz I'm looking for weiners!


Lol looove this

See? Someone with a sense of humor. You win. 100 points!


so you've been here like 2-3 minutes? You won't last long I can tell... Good luck!

Good God. I could see there are some award-winning personality is in here. Just a little humor guys. Let’s take it easy.

@J-Madness23 I do sarcasm but you should not lead with that. We don't know you and your intro to the site has been seen several, several, many times before. It's just not unique anymore and very stale. Many here consider themselves as part of a community and when you will realize that, you will understand your approach was wrong. If you don't last that long, who cares what we told you.

@Lukian true...or people can be less judgmental and more open minded. Which is...kind of what I expected from a site full of atheists lol


If only they were chorizo..


May I recommend Dale Carnegie's book?


Not a good start, if dating is one of your objectives. I can only assume you are a juvenile, or one that wishes he still was.

Man everyone is so serious.


What the heck is a sausage fest? It sounds like slang for a penis. Ugh.

Not a good first impression.

It means a bunch of guys and no women.

it means the poster can't see the women here, which is very odd, since we're here, and we are not amused.


You nailed it.

@genessa that guy is almost amusing . Debating if I should laugh or cry . Then again . Perhaps a fart is all he is worthy of .

@Pralina1 only if you have one to spare!


@genessa I love u ?

@Pralina1 🙂)


Man how quickly everyone just judge easier. I was just being goofy guys. Seriously.


Interesting. Interestingly stupid.


ugh, seriously? your first post here -- that's how you introduce yourself?

you say you're open to meeting women. i think you just severely narrowed the field for yourself.



Sausage fest? You notice no women? (And bright, articulate ones, at that!)

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