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So this hurricane brings this question to mind. How do you provide comfort and concern. I can't pray for them. "Thinking good thoughts" is hollow. Suggestions?

Trussell2069 6 Oct 10

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The only thing I can do is donate to the red cross disaster relief fund. They'll be there in force as soon as it's safe to help victims start putting their lives back together.

JimG Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

My thoughts are with you.
Simple and sincere


send money. send supplies. go in person to help rebuild.



I say sending positive vibes! And I mean it.


if it wasnt for science, they wouldnt even know what was coming. Hope those in touch with god had an early warning from him.


Donating supplies, money and volunteering are probably the most useful and truly helpful ways to assist in this type of situation. Way better than prayers.


Well, as far as I can recall Prayer has NEVER once stopped a Natural/Man-made Disaster from occurring nor has it truly brought any comfort, ease, much needed supplies to the victims.
But, sheer, unbridled human generosity, kindness and concern has gone great distances to provide such reliefs to the victims.
For example, What were the first things to arrive after the massive earthquake and mudslides that struck Nepal a few years ago?
Answer cases of Bibles, no tents for sheltering the homeless, no blankets to help keep them warm, no foodstuffs or fresh water, just bibles, tons of them. Yes the pages would help the victims make small fires but you can't EAT bibles, nor can you find shelter under them from rain and cold.
Where Atheists and Agnostics give from their 'hearts' to those in dire need and expect nothing in return, the Faithfools give bibles and expect a Free Pass into Heaven.
So, if you can't give food, water, money, etc, search through your closets and find things such as clothing, blankets, etc, that you either no longer need/wear nor want, donate them in person or simply pay the freight to send them direct yourself, I did that when the Tsunami went across the Indian Ocean and I received quite a number of most unexpected letters thanking me from those who either received or were given my meagre donations.


I think the key is to be empathetic. Understand where they are and try to give comfort letting them know their difficulties are in your thoughts and you offer your shoulder, whether it is figuratively or literally.

"I feel for you"
"Best wishes"
My thoughts are with you and yours"


Do something.


You can physically help, you can donate and hope a decent amount of your donation actually goes towards relief, or you can sit on the wayside and realize you can't help everyone.


IMHO, prayer works as well as rubbing a genie's lamp but you have to do what works for you. My mom is down there and I haven't heard from her so...

Btbd Level 7 Oct 10, 2018

Send money to charities that assist with the cleanup effort. Send blankets and other supplies to the shelters in the affected area.

Gohan Level 7 Oct 10, 2018

It depends on the relationship you have with the person you are concerned about. From " I hope you are able to stay safe" to " come sleep on my couch with your 4 kids and 3 dogs for as long as you need" I've been seeing on Facebook long long lists of responses to "pray for me" of "praying" "praying for your famy" "praying" as if the person needs 100 prayers before feeling the love. Could it be that strangers saying "praying" is not actually helpful or fulfilling?

Holli Level 6 Oct 10, 2018

Actually, you can pray for them, but it won't make a sodding difference




Send positive thoughts out to the universe.


It's great to see so many replies on this topic. It also proves you don't need Jesus to have some humanity. I will be looking for a volunteer group to travel there and help clean up if and when it is required.

Not that all those having found 'Jesus' exhibit humane behavior. Just saying.

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