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I feel lonely and lost. I wonder if it's because I stopped believing in Regions? Can anyone help me understand it please?

erollkonn 2 Oct 12

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I guess its a big part of your life to fall away from you. All changes take time to adjust to I have never had a god but there have been time sin my life when people I believed in let me dow badly - I think the way to go for me anyway os to try to enjoy the moments i keep a large book and work out what was good for me and what didnt work and emptines that seems like a hole because there isnt that gap tp be filled which used to be there can always be worked on - There much be lots of things you might find that you can do in that time learn a language go for walks with friends join clubs - Is all out there to be sapled something will fill the gap.


Humans are herd animals. We evolved in groups mostly for survival and safety. As we are animals and have instincts, our instincts make us still want to belong to and have place in a group.

I think what you miss, is nto the religion, but the sense of belonging and community, which are the only positive attributes religions actually provide.

Religions also arrange a lto of socil events and opportunities to socialize. The hardest thing for me was learnign to socialize withotu the religious organizational structured events.

These days I often use to fidn groups of people who share common interests with me. I enjoy goign on day hikes, and happen to live in an area where there are lots ofr those kinds fo groups and many different places to go hiking. Just do a search to fidn a group near you.

If you really need the community of a church you migh try the Unitarians... atheists are usually welcome there. Personally, I'd rather go hiking on Sundays.


religion (any) has a comforting and pacifying effect as well as providing a sense of belonging. it provides an explanation for things (however wacky) and the adherents tend to group together. Stepping outside of that is bound to be a bit of a shock and takes a lot of adjusting to. The sense of community/belonging is perhaps easiest to replace (join a biker gang! -kidding)
I think the reason d'etre that religion often appears to provide can be much harder to replace but i can't see that you can go back. Presumably, you have now realised the inherent flaws and downright rediculous nature of religions. I can't see how that can be unseen.

Be good, do good 🙂


Just learn a foreign language until you have a working knowledge of it. By the time you have completed learning, your lonliness will be gone. If you try learning an Indian language like Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, etc. let's learn together. My doctor advised me this technique

Noyi Level 6 Oct 12, 2018

I think many of us were born into a belief system that helped us at the time to make sense of things, provided us a community and a sense of history and belonging. I know when I became agnostic it really rocked this foundation. All the classic questions of who am I, whats this all about, where I am going are open. I also remember feeling a little like a "stranger in a strange Land". Feeling out of place around family and friends who were religious. What worked for me was staying busy, meeting new people and a sense of humor.


I live in the Florida Region.....I can assure you Florida is real....believe it.


What you are feeling is more the loss of belonging to a community than the loss of religion. That is a big thing to overcome but embracing your new life without delusion will help. Welcome to this community.


Hi, Erol, and welcome to the website!
I'm sorry you're feeling down.
If you just quit your church and Christian friends, you could be experiencing feelings of loss.

However, I only felt relief I didn't have to pretend to love some blood-thirsty, misogynistic god who commands us love and obey him, or be tortured forever.

Best for you to get out there and meet upbeat people; go to meet ups, join community groups who do your interests..hiking, canoeing, bird watching, etc.

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Did you have the same reaction when you stopped believing in Santa Clause ?


since there was no god even when you believed there was one, you should not feel lonelier now than before, but i understand feelings are hard to control. think of it this way: you are free to find out what's real in the world, and it's a big world. you need not feel lonely in it! you may even find some friends here 🙂)


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