8 4

The Distance between Egypt and Israel is about 613 Km, but it took Moses and the Israelites 40 years to complete their Journey.
On the average each day, they walked 43 metres!.
Yes 43 meters almost half of what Usain Bolt was doing in 5 seconds.

"I just wish Moses was alive to explain this laziness !!!
Hmmmmm. Religious belief is an embarrassment to humanity.

Greenheart 7 Oct 12

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They got lost easily...and slowed down by carrying that Golden is Heavy, ya know? Plus Moses going up & down, breaking tablets, back up again, melting down the aforementioned Calf, oh, yeah, and a bunch of chastising. Do you have any idea how time-consuming & tiring chastising is??! Cut them some slack!


Yeah but they were carrying a lot of stuff 😉


oy vass they farblonget!



We could ask Mel Brooks:

Have to admit this is my all-time favorite Mel Brooks scene! Especially the “Oy!” after he drops the tablet.


They were drunk that is the only explanation.

@TheAstroChuck I thought about that, what I suspect happened was that it took 40 years for their numbers to get big enough and well armed enough to kill the indigenous inhabitants


Moses was about 900 at the time. Give him a break!

Plus he probably forgot where he was going most of the time. His GPS lied to him. They ended up in Mexico before he finally asked for directions...


Perhaps they were getting their directions from Siri? Lame. I know.


They went in circles, following their own paths for the first 28. Then Moses went up every mountain for 5 years. Then they stopped to tell stories and make up tales for another 9. What they did for the rest of the time, unknown. Must have taken a while to make a mold and gold statue of Baal and getting the taste of gold out of one's mouth must take time.

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