All religions have a set of beliefs. They believe that there's a God, there's Hell and Heaven, there's soul, spirit and so on. Atheists also have a set of beliefs. They believe that there's no God, there's no soul, spirit and so on. So, looked at from the religious perspective , Atheism is a religion too. What do you think of it?
I think it's pure unadulterated BS. It's the classic theist straw man. A-theism is the absence of a belief in god(s), not a belief that gods don't exist. A-theism has no beliefs whatsoever, and therefore is NOT a religion.
This is just religious people saying "You're just as stupid as we are". But we aren't.
Please read all the comments here and see how politely they have disagreed to my arguments. I could learn something from those comments. But your language was rude. Try to learn how to disagree politely.
@Noyi, I've spent a lifetime being polite to assholes who won't polite in return. I'm sick of being called immoral because I don't believe in Santa Claus while THEY don't measure up to my REAL morals.
I also note that you were completely unable to respond to anything that I said. Did you even look at that image defining Atheism versus Agnosticism? I doubt it. Instead, you feign offense as a red herring to avoid the truth of what I said. Now THAT attitude is truly offensive. You're actually just offended at being confronted by the truth.
I believe there are so many tgings that I do not know. So I try to learn from others. I'm never offended at being confronted by truth. But I thought you were calling me stupid when you said "You're just as stupid as we are". But we aren't.". Because my language is not English there are chances of my misunderstanding things. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions.
Religion is faith based. Atheism is evidence based.
With religion, you simply believe what you are told to believe - regardless of evidence or no evidence. (This is illogical and anti-intellectual.) Atheism is in contrast to religious belief.
I am not lumbered with "original sin", nor the guilt and atonement it demands, I do not need to spend precious parts of my life "praying" or listening to somebody tell me how I should conduct myself/vote/tithe. I do not believe in Santa Claus, Zeus, or the Easter Bunny, either.
. Troll Alert!!
You are incorrect.
You stated that an atheist believes there is no god, when actually as an atheist I do not believe that there is a god(s). That is a big difference.
Souls and spirits (whatever they are) aren't gods as far as I am aware and so irrelevant with regard to atheism.
Theist - believes the claim that a god(s) exists.
Atheist, does not believe the claim that a god(s) exists
It really is that simple.
i think that's total bunk is what i think of it. atheism isn't a belief system. there are no rules, no rule books, no churches. we meet here not to discuss the intricacies of atheism (there are none) but to take shelter from those who bother us with blessings, condemnations and, pardon me, ignorant assertions about atheism. first of all, even your assertion about religion is wrong. buddhism, for example, is a religion and it involves no god, hell or heaven. judaism, apart from folklore, has no heaven, hell or devil. are you saying judaism isn't a religion? so your definition is off. as for atheists, we do not have a SET of beliefs. an atheist is a person who either believes there are no gods or doesn't believe there are any gods, or both. that's IT. that doesn't make it a religion any more than being bald is a hair color, being celibate is a sexual position or vegetarianism expresses a favorite meat.
If you are not just trolling I think this means you have no understanding of atheism whatsoever.
I do not "believe" in the religious connotation of the word, anything.
I understand there is no god or gods in the same way I understand there are no fairies, pixie, Rakshasa, demons or djinn.
There is simply no evidence to indicate or verify their existence in anything other than works of imagination and fiction.
Saying atheism is a religion is like saying celibacy is a sex position.
Not believing things is not a belief. Besides, atheism is one thing: A disbelief in a god or gods. The rest of those things have nothing to do with atheism. Some atheists still believes in souls, crystals, chiropractors and every other bit of woo out there.