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I am located at the bottom of the Appalachian Mountains in west NC. Each Saturday night after SNL, a Christian preacher has an hour TV show. Tonight and last Sat night, I heard the preacher starting off by bad-mouthing Atheists. I believe they may be at war with us! He said they are loosing believers to the Atheists and it is a major crisis! He said Atheists are depressed, hopeless, and full of despair people. Stay away from them. They live sad lives. This, of course, is scare tactics for his listeners not to be taken in by the Atheists. I had no idea Atheists are recognized by the Christian community. It's not like we are going door to door!!

sweetcharlotte 8 Oct 21

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If they are loosing believers to the atheists just maybe we are winning? So, I'm depressed, hopeless, and despairing am I ? I don't think so and how come I'm enjoying life? Working, hiking, dating and a slew of women friends. Maybe they should try our way, huh?


Atheist are the scapegoat for the evangelicals. Their hypocrisy is driving away people, but it
can’t be their fault so they blame it on us.


This is sad!


Religion is a fraud. Preachers are afraid Atheists will expose their fraud.


Maybe we should start going door to door and standing on street corners lol! Up our game a bit.. ?


Fearmongering: the last bastion of those who feel very threatened. Sounds like this preacher resents how much skepticism is interfering with his plans to get rich off the gullible!

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 21, 2018

Sounds like another bombastic bible-puncher. I have read of at least 2 Atheists who volunteered at Mother Teresa 's mission in Calcutta. The were from Canada. They paid their own way. When Tom Harpur a newspaperman asked to write a piece about them because of their Christian behavior, they replied, " No, we're Atheists."


Sick, though predictable… Well, we’ve moved up a notch from those once “godless communists!” They’re looking for a target, to rally their dwindling troops.. Someone to blame for their self-inflicted problems. Must be those Atheists 😀

Actually, it’s the Internet ..and the world’s become too dependant on it to make it go away. When their children can listen to The Scathing Atheist (for example) podcast with earbuds on the school bus … or any other reality-based information source - expecting them to believe total bullshit from some semi-charismatic creep on Sunday after Saturday Night (Live) will no longer do it 😉

Varn Level 8 Oct 21, 2018

if you ever run into anyone taken in by this preacher, ask that person how many atheists have asked him/her for money.



It is interesting that they can turn things completely around from the facts. They have no actual data to back these claims they make, as there are very few people who actually identify as Atheist openly. I suspect they are worried at the number of people who are losing their faith, rather than actually saying they are Atheist. I am sure if data was actually available it would show that religion causes more mental illness than non belief. It is a battle for minds they are waging and I am so glad that here in the U.K. we don’t have any of these televangelists. They shouldn’t be allowed to bring their brainwashing directly into people’s homes. Can you imagine the uproar if Atheists organised and got equal airtime? I would never happen....!

Considering that’s ‘trump country,’ those people aren’t big on ‘facts or data,’ and they love being told what to think … saves them the effort 🙂

@Varn Lazy AND ignorant....a deadly combination!

@Marionville Willfully ignorant and proud of it!

@bingst Even WORSE! Tell me no more....! ?


Church's hate athiests because they don't get any of their money.

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