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After reading Jesus Interrupted by Bart Erhman where he states that lay people know so little about what scholars know, I wonder how to get the message out that the gospels are full of contradictions and myth. How can these pastors who have been exposed to this truth maintenance a faith if they do at all

Dogpound9 6 Oct 22

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The only way to get them to see those inconsistencies is get them to read the gospels in the first place, and they would rather do anything else than read the gospels... despite how much they claim to love them.


Most people don't know the Bible well enough to recognize a contradiction. They never really study the Bible and they put their faith in the priests and ministers who tell them what to believe.


Too many evangelical minister types are not taught the church history. They have little to no clue. Some even believe the worst translation of the bible (1611, King James) is the actual word of God, forgetting or not knowing, or not believing that it and all others were translated from Latin, which had been translated from: ancient Greek; Aramaic; Hebrew; and even older Latin. Which, just may have been stories that were stolen from even older languages (read or read about The Epic of Gilgamesh).

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