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Fake news, fake sex charges, and now fake bombs! The Democrats are desperate for power, and who knows what they will do next. Alas, we live in interesting times.

doug6352 7 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Surprise! A demented Republican, Cesar Sayoc, is now in custody. The Democrats still own fake news, fake sex charges, and dead people voting, but the fake bombs were not sent by them.


This is satire right?


"Pipe Bomb and Powder Delivered to CNN Were Harmless"

It's just politics, Democrat style.


I don't watch Fox news,but I am well informed and can figure things out quite well. That's why they still pay me big bucks to solve computer problems in spite of my old age.

Vlad Putin came to power with real bombs that killed his fellow Russians, which he successfully blamed on the Chechens. [] I suspect he got the idea from the American movie "Wag the Dog", but I suppose that false flag attacks do have a long history.

Anyway, I'm glad that in this case the "bombs" didn't hurt anyone. It's just the "October Surprise" of a desperate political party, who I hope get crushed at the polls.


At least be brave enough to post your pic is you aren't wanting to be seen as a cowardly weasel who flings FOX News poo without evidence.

There is no evidence the bombs were fake and that none of them detonated makes it no less of a terroristic threat.

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