Looks good. I would like to know some reactions from people who have never seen anything like it before and do not know what it means, particularly about you . e.g Some questions they ask, whether they will continue to continue their curiosity after talking to you etc . In other words , how good is it as a BANNER.
I don't know...but I'll find out soon!
Congratulations! What an achievement! I'm a lowly 6.
You'll get here!
The purple one looks great on you
Thanks! I like it a lot!
You look great. I'm happy for you. I got mine today also but no one to take my pic in it until Saturday.
(Laughing because I had the same issue. I refuse to get a smart phone, so....I have to wait for my young friends to come & photograph me. SIGH.)
You look fantastic!!! Wear it in great health!!!!!
Thanks! Where's yours?
@LucyLoohoo It hasn't happened (the selfie) yet. I hate having my picture taken.
@KKGator (You & me, both!)
You make that shirt look good girl!! WOO WOO!!
Thanks....where's yours?
@LucyLoohoo WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it has not come. Admin says it was sent. Then they asked for my info again, which I gave them but still no shirt. I may have to go complain to the post office. But maybe you could tell me how yours was shipped?
first class? bulk? is there a tracking number? Is the return address Agnostic.com? I really do not trust some of the religious nuts in eastern Washington.
@silverotter11 Well, HELL! It came in one of those plastic bags and I'm really sorry I don't know how it was delivered because I wasn't home. I don't THINK it had an identifying return address because I was (pleasantly) surprised when I opened it. It's a great suggestion to have people look out for it...I didn't know people would steal these but...it makes sense. After all, "LIFTING FOR DA' LAWD" isn't really a sin, is it?
@LucyLoohoo Just the twisted sort of thinking the dog freaks would believe. The mail boxes here at the complex are all locked so it would have to happen at the pre-delivered stage. I'll go to the Post Office and ask/complain.
@silverotter11 I did get a message online saying it was almost ready to be sent....I think that was about a month ago. When did you get your message? Somehow, I can't remember anything incriminating being on the bag....wish I'd known about your issue, so I could have paid more attention! Sorry!
@LucyLoohoo I never did get a message one was sent. I messaged admin and asked. I do not know if a second one has actually shipped better check my e-mail for today.
@silverotter11 I'm pretty sure the message was here...on the board, in a PM. But, because I'd read something about them being ''back-ordered," I just didn't pay much attention to the actual date. If only.....
@LucyLoohoo That's okay - on ward and upward to level 9!!
@silverotter11 OOOOOO....what happens then? Can we go to the presentation dinner together?
@LucyLoohoo You betcha!!
@LucyLoohoo You look marvelous in the ag.com purple! ??
Thanks...it's a great color and the fabric is soft, too.
I should've added that I'm looking forward to wearing it at the FFRF convention next week!
Can tell you'll wear it with pride. Look great.
Congratulations and welcome to the Great 8 Club!
Great Eight, eh? Thanks!
Great smile, you look awesome in that shirt!!!
Looking good, girl! Agnostic.com, becomes you!
Congrats, you earned it! You wear it well, like your smile, Lucy Loo Hoo at a Hunnert and Too!
Loving the t. Hope to get one soon
Just keep enjoying the site--you'll get there!