When friends ask for thoughts & prayers I always reply sending love & support. I'm looking for other things to say.
"Love and light" over "thoughts and prayers" any day.
I say something like "sending good thoughts" or "good juju," or "Best wishes for ____"--eg, health, healing, relief, comfort, etc. Depending on the situation, might also be, "Best of luck and skill [or whatever other quality could be useful] in dealing with ____."
I like the "good juju" comment because it frames the matter in terms I am most comfortable with: probably superstition, with the possibility that there's (cue Arthur C. Clarke) a technology there, as yet indistinguishable from magic.
I have no opinion on whether there's anything to the notion of this kind of (now, cue Einstein) "spooky action at a distance." But I do think that my mental imagery and self-talk can affect me and how I deal with someone else's issues and my own, especially related ones. It's rather like bowing to a statue of the Buddha (which I don't do, but might in the future): it's not about worshiping Gautama; it's about acknowledging and revering Buddha-like characteristics, such as compassion, in oneself.
I always say sending good wishes or happy thoughts
If you are nearby: Concrete suggestions, like helping with the kids and/ or pets, or taking them for awhile. Running an errand, or shopping, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry. So much more useful than words!
If far away: i like "love and support"....if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
I have a pacemaker, and I am in a couple of pacemaker groups on FB. When people ask for prayers I usually reply by saying I will pray to Enumclaw. He is the Native american god of lightning, and by extension all things electrical including pacemakers.
I usually say, 'sending good vibes your way '
or ...Peace,Light and Healing Vibes coming your way from here !!