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Fun fact: tomatoes are in the family of deadly nightshade.

Bon appetit.

DoDapper 8 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I am addicted to Ketchup. Whoopee....I'm gonna die....happy!


So are potatoes and green the early middle ages people thought tomatoes were poisonous.
Get out much, do ya?


I’ve heard potatoes are too, and that you can graft tomatoes atop potatoes..

Varn Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

And if Im not mistaken is technically fruit and not a vegetable. Classification based on how the seeds are stored inside the fruit.

True to all. That is why it isn't wise to eat the plant.

@Beowulfsfriend so, you do not eat fruit?

@AnneWimsey the fruit is fine, just Don t eat the vines. Like certain nuts, the interior nut is tasty, safe and nutritional, but the outer shell(s) are sometimes poisonous.

@Beowulfsfriend do you actually know anyone who eats the plant/vine??!!

@AnneWimsey uh. No. But cows will and you can't allow them to have it. Find someone as bright as a cow.......

@Beowulfsfriend i think he got elected in 2016...oh, wait, sorry cows!

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