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Definitely going to hell for this one

janniegirl 6 Nov 1

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Q. Why do Irishmen ALWAYS put 2 condoms on?
A. To be sure, to be sure.


There is no Hell. Mwa-ha-ha!!!

IF there is then we'll be in really great company, won't we?

@Triphid , oh, the best.


Q. What do you call an Irish woman with 1 leg shorter than the other?
A. Eileen, of course.


Q. What do you always find on the bottom of Irish Swimming pools?
A. A No Smoking notice.


Q. What do you always find at the top of a ladder in Ireland?
A. A Stop sign.


Meet you there you heathen

  • Have you seen the new Helen Keller doll? Wind it up and it walks into walls.
  • How do you drive Helen Keller crazy? Rearrange the furniture.

I wanna go to Hell too.


I have a lot of Helen Keller jokes, but they are more visual. I will meet you in hell.

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