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Talk about sad Chump?

Umbral 8 Nov 5

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I heard it reported on NPR that Trump upped the number of troops to 15,000. Which makes five soldiers for every refuge/migrant, half of which are children.


Two ways to make Trump history, ignore him (which isn't going so well.) Or vote for people that oppose him. Yep, there's still time to vote.

If you are in a vote by mail state, it is too late to mail your ballot. You need to hand deliver it to yoru local ballot box. Google "ballot box locations" followed by your zip code to find one near you.


Dig the armadillo!?

Trump is looking pretty ridiculous, isn't he?

Yes, but unfortunately it appears not to enough Republicans unbelievably.

We shall see presently. ?


Add to that Oregon militias are apparently moving to the border, too. So soon after the Malheur stand off, these morons are desperate for a cause to get behind. Wonder how many other militias are planning to go and are doing so without drawing a spotlight.


Someone should remind Trump, the Republicans and all those who oppose the admission of refugees and economic migrants, that the USA is a country founded on immigration. The only real American citizens who are not descended from immigrant stock are your Native American Tribes. We all know how badly treated they have been, but it’s worth remembering that mostly everyone else came to America looking for a better life. The words of Emma Lazarus’s poem The New Colossus which are inscribed on the Statue of Liberty should be pointed out and recited clearly for all to hear, especially the intentionally obtuse Trump followers.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send those, the homeless, tempest -tossed to me”. What a mockery of this the present day administration is perpetrating.

The selfish want to take away the very thing that is responsible for them being here.

@Umbral We are here, so pull up the drawbridge!


It seems this nightmare will never end. It gets worse and worse. I checked into the conservative group on this site just to see what was going on in Looney Town. How can people live with being that stupid. It is unbelievable. What a bunch of backward thinking cowards.

It’s like an alternate universe. I have no idea how one can survive in a state of constant ignorance.

@Green_eyes l have never seen anything like it. I take that back. We do live in Texas. ☺


I’d like to know why he’s terrified of these people.


That's about it!


All the sad conservatives who have never seen the border have no idea how pathetic they are.

It's ok mam, until the army gets here we'll protect you.

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