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I'm writing with a blown mind right now. As everyone does, I have friends and relatives who are Trump supporters. I try to understand their POV .... What I get is usually Obama did this or that (most often in error). I don't persue any Hillary negativity, simply because I don't like her either.

When I want to talk about progressive policy, they really don't have much problem with it unless Obama endorses it.

Wow!!! Maybe racism is an element of our current politics after all? These folks will deny this is the case, but .... You know words verses action??

What is going on here?

Normanbites 7 Nov 6

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Am element! It's huge.! This is by and large a racist country. Look at our judicial system.

I mean no disrespect, but I believe our system is class based. Being black is just an obvious marker that you are probably of the low, poor and therefore bad class.

In other words, if you were white, you would be trailer trash like me. If I were wealthy, I (or either of us) would be as white as Oprah!

@Normanbites All societies are class based, even communist countries. In this country, even poor white trash is a step or to above black people. How many unarmed white people are shot by the police? If you and a black man commit the same crime the odds are extremely high he will recieve more jail time than you, and he will serve a larger portion of his time than you will. These are facts, not opinion.

@Sticks48 I'm not disagreeing with your facts. I'm just saying if "white trash" (meaning poor white) were to be somehow made just as obvious as being black (like being marked with a star of david, perhaps), then the difference in treatment would be harder to discern.


Ah "whataboutism"... people are dumb, just look at those who said they liked their Kynect under ACA but as soon as it was referred to as "Obamacare" the shitiots are against it.
It's like they're stupid on purpose.

I saw a video of someone asking whether we should pass the Affordable Healthcare Act and what they thought about Obamacare .... I didn't know it was possible to be that stupid even on purpose!!

@Normanbites I saw something similar with an interview with Steve Beshear ❤, Ky governor.
It's REALLY SCARY how dumb people are!

@Normanbites How do you think we ended up with trump?

@Sticks48 I have no freaking idea about that. I am still dumbfounded!! From what I am hearing a good number of people that voted for him were PoC, Women, and people with little income in rural areas, the very same people who will be hurt the most by his administration. I just completely don't get it ... classify me as stupid on this one, because .... I am at a loss for anything to say. I can not explain Trump.


I recently heard the old 'you can keep your doctor' used as a justification. As if the president had the power to make your doctor accept your insurance.


Considering we were likely going to be at war with Russia soon the way Hillary was headed I can see why Trump was a slightly better but incredibly bad choice. Much of the things he has gone on has been in place from previous administrations. Is he a shitty person? Of coarse. Is everyone who Allowed for the two main parties to give them that horrible of offerings a willing accomplice? Absolutely! If you expect change by following the two main parties that worked together to steal our privacy, freedom, and money then you are the definition of insanity.

I agree that both parties are the problem...they created one another.

I think the number one issue is keeping our democracy intact in the short term so we can still affect the other issues in the longer term.


We weren't going to end up in a war with Russia. That is an asinine statement. There was no justification for voting for an amateur like trump Would you let him do surgery on you? Of course not, because just like being President he has no fucking idea what he is doing.


The Republicans have lost their minds under Trump's toxic influence. Making sense and basic human decency is unimportant now.


There is racism in general, and Obamaism in particular...and people's reliance on labels in general by both parties. It oversimplies, mischaracterizes, and is just down right lazy. I am sure there are many Trump supporters who are not racist, although probably not many racists who are not Trump supporters 😉

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