Anyone else have family that says "im going to miss you when you're in hell?"?
"I'll be having too much fun with my"
Or, "I am looking forward to the peace & quiet & non-judgemental attitude"
Or, if pushed to the limit, "none of your beeswax".
You could also mention Unlimited Gall.......
Well, bless them and their self-assurance that they're heaven bound! If they can be that sure, they're claiming the power to determine their fate, in which case they're not relying on a determination from another power. How does that not imply that they could possess veto power over a supreme being? Their own faith could suggest they're in for a surprise. ?
I can only imagine how painful a statement that was to receive. I didn't deal with that in my family but it would have caused many feelings in me that I would have had to process. Hang tough.
This does raise philosophical issues. If heaven is supposed to be free of pain, how can they miss you? If they don't miss you, are they really 'them'?
I've thought of that, and are you, you in heaven since something in you was changed so that you won't suffer
No, but that would be a one way ticket to "You're dead to me". No ifs ands or buts.
Bad enough my girl's aunt thinks gawd sends disasters to places because "he's really mad about the hate in the world". (also thinks her measly prayers to give her one more day with her dog being answered is a thing while children are starving)
Just NO. Nope that shit from space. Nopety Nope Nope Nopesville USA. GTFO, do not pass GO, do not collect $100.
@OwlInASack See this shit can go both ways. Although we're estranged I could have easily whipped out the "You know God isn't real right? Just like Santa isn't real" to her kids in retaliation for prostelityzing to mine. THANK DOG I never allowed my kid to be immersed in that from the outset!
I didn't force my girl, she had a choice, but I didn't encourage religion either.
She's a heathen lefty too.
My girl didn't come to her thoughts without a price though, kids, some her friends, would gasp, one told her she's going to hell. Don't think I didn't want to rip their arms off!
Brought back childhood memories of my cousin saying the same to me when I was in elementary school. She scared me to death. Her god certainly didn't do anything for her life that's for sure.
My ex in laws. They told my kids that I was leading them to hell. Scared them so much. Made me SO angry. Now they are grown and make their own decisions. They are atheist and in no way worry about religious bullshit. Needless to say, they don't see their Grandparents often.