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The mid term elections won't stop Trump. He'll now have the biggest
scapegoat of all to blame: the Democrats. He will play this card relentlessly for his 2020 campaign.The best opportunity to neutralize Trumpism has been lost. Clearly, the desire for authoritarianism in the US runs deeper than we thought. Don't expect Mueller to do anything other than give Trump a political speeding ticket. No point pretending otherwise about all of this.

David1955 8 Nov 7

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Of course he will blame Democrats for everything... He has since Day 1. Dems have subpoena power now and will be able to get to the bottom of lots of things. Mueller will be coming out strong!

Don't be a buzzkill!

Really hope you are right. But all I've heard about Trump since 2015 is that the next thing will stop him or bring him down, during the campaign, over the past two years. Truth is, he's what Bruce Lee called broken rhythm against an opponent of structure and form - the US system - and broken rhythm wins always. They keep throwing punches at where he was, not where he is or will be. While subpoenas linger on, he'll jump around to the next position, out manoeuvring. And I think the idea of Mueller as saviour of the Republic is fantasy. Sorry. Hope I'm wrong.


He's been blaming democrats since day one of his presidency and especially Obama and Hillary... Nothing has changed except now democrats have the house. It's very good progress. And more women have a voice.

I'm a little suspicious about the motivation of this posting....

What suspicion? I loathe him. See my comment above. Yes, he's been blaming them, but they had no power. Now, theoretically they will, and hence they'll make better scapegoats. If the last two years hasn't sunk in with the millions who continue to worship him, I cannot see how the next two years will make any difference.

@David1955 people don't become better scapegoats when they gain power... That's absurd... You don't make any sense.. I think you are attempting to mentally attack democrats with this post...

@Cutiebeauty don't be ridiculous. Read my profile and my politics. Of course the greater the power the more a group can be blamed. That's Trump's style. Yes, the democrats will generate a lot of heat, and my prediction is he will turn that to his favour. I'm simply not prepared to allow any illusions about this evil proto-nazi President of the US to cloud my reality assessment of how he exploits the weakness of the US system or the American psyche. Despite initial appearances, he's has come out of this election undiminished, indeed the opposite, and I'm beginning to read more analysis today recognizing this, and not from Trump apologists. Rather than questioning my motives like some kind of conspiracy theorist, I respectfully suggest you watch the future and see if I'm right. Personally, I'd love to be wrong, but I've lost confidence in the US system's ability to counter him. It's a bit like reading about the rise of Hitler during the Weimar Republic in the 1930s.

@David1955 OK... I'll be watching...

@David1955, @cutiebeauty
I see what he means and in some sense... He is 100% correct. It is how Trump has worked his whole life. Trump will grow more outlandish with every passing day from now on. I just hope the Dems can pin his ears back...

@RiverRick well I'm new to politics... I just think he's downplaying the success we've made here... We have the house and more importantly many women in office...


It is disappointing that he has increased his majority in the Senate. Congratulations on the Democrats gaining so many seats in the House.....especially all the new young women.

Yes, all good. But I believe he will turn this to his advantage, despite this being seemingly counter intuitive at this stage. What he lacks in intelligence and vision, he makes up for in pure evil rat cunning.


not so. first of all, although the senate is still in charge of confirming nominees, all budgetary bills have to be initiated in the house, and the bills trump wants will NOT be initiated. yes, he will blame the dems. TOO BAD. and the house committees can investigate trump, demand his taxes, even impeach kavanaugh, or start that anyway. one of the most important things we need to do is end voter suppression. surprisingly, we got past gerrymandering (or we would not have taken back the house) but north dakota is a prime example of SHAMELESS suppression. we'd have one more blue seat in the senate if the repugs had not cheated. STILL, this IS progress, it IS better than before, and his blaming the dems won't impress anyone but those who already believe him. that isn't a big enough issue to say we did the wrong thing. we did the RIGHT thing.


@LetzGetReal i don't happen to have the better part of an hour to devote to this. if you wanted to summarize i could consider it, but no, just on a whim i am not going to sit and stare at this screen to the exclusion of everything else just to see what this guy is talking about (you don't mention that). also i don't understand what "the basic and the interviewer" means. i have some common sense myself, and i don't even know whether you're showing me this to agree, disagree or other (lol) with what i said, but i stand by what i said at any rate. i certainly am not in the market for any apps.


Totally agree on both gerrymandering and vote suppression. It's appalling for a first world order country, more fitting a tin pot dictatorship. As for the other, hope you are right. But Trump's skill is to see every weakness and go for the jugular, without compunction. Your system is simply not equipped to deal with this level of amoral ruthlessness, I've come to see that. The next or new thing is always going to bring him down, it is said, but they never do.

@David1955 nope we haven't yet and we still might not, but this is an inroad. we may not win the war, and we may fall, but this was a kind of battle won, and it will strengthen us for many skirmishes, which we may also win.



I'm bummed AF too but I disagree with you. There were historic levels of voters in many areas and the house gained at least 30 more women; many of which are of color.

Progressive initiatives were passed here and there in addition to some very close races.

I live in Florida and believe there isn't much to be happy about today but we did enable the restoration of voting for former felons which at this time amounts to 1.5 million. Blue lost to red by about 100k votes

Will Trump prevail in whatever he tries to do? Likely but then again he is a petulant child and there may be just enough resistance to either get him to quit or fuck up enough to turn a couple of republicans

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