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If there is a God and you could ask God one question what 1 question would you ask God and why?

Sesquipedalian 3 Nov 7

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Since I am spiritual, and believe everything is a part of god I would not have to ask anything. The only thing that blocks me from not seeing what is real and what I need answers to is my own will. 💚

WXYZ Level 4 Aug 26, 2019

If you knew we were all questioning your existence, why not just show us? Debate over.


If...but there is not


I would Much rather have 3 minutes to ask my dogs things!


"are you a doctor or a nurse?" i would just assume i was in a mental hospital.



The question of evil. Hasn't that been the main sticking point against the faithful? Why the pointless evil, cruelty and suffering?


Why the platypus? What the fuck were you thinking? Why? I have an inquiring mind.


If there were, I'd ask him how he could allow such unnecessary suffering worldwide.

If I got a bonus question, I'd ask why in the hell he made mosquitoes!


What kind of being are you to let the evil, pain and suffering happen on earth? You are not fit to care for humans.

Whoops. the why? I have seen and read about his shoddy work. Note: about Christian god

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