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I think he is trying to save someone.

Shelton 8 Nov 13

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I think he is trying to get attention and make himself look more Christian than others. He's a modern day pharasee.


Dang, that is a road hazard.


With that depth of obsession, I think that this person is the one who needs saving.?


I thought the Romans “got Jesus.”


"For god so loved the world that he became begotten as his only son so that he could become one of us, that if you believed in him, he would change or take away a rule that he himself created and you could live with him forever." Well, until you got tired and asked to be excused maybe.

Wait a minute! In the beginning he was trying to destroy the world. What's up here?


I think I saw that vehicle ... I wanted to talk to him so badly....


Why do they think someone got Jesus? No one has him. He is dead. Talk about denial! Jeeez!

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