Describe your profession -badly.
People pay me to make them cry as I commit them for life.
I suppose they cry at the weddings as well as the funerals.....
@nicknotes Yep, kind of a rite of passage from one status to the next. I love it when couples cry with pure joy of finding that elusive perfect love they never thought they'd have. It's my job to sort of set that tone where they can really feel how special it is, so they can truly celebrate it.
-- Likewise with the funerals, my goal is to celebrate the life so there are tears of joy for the life of the loved one, to make the loss more bearable as they transition from having the person warm and near physically, to just holding them warmly and keeping them close in their hearts and minds.
I joke that I'm in this business for the tears, but I mean it in a good way.
I put things in penises and coordinate cutting cancer out.
@TheMiddleWay pretty much sums up the entire spectrum of reactions. I'm guessing you're a physicist in radiation oncology?
@TheMiddleWay I'm an RN working with an Urologic Oncologist. I work pretty closely with our physicist here as we place all their fiducials, brachy seeds, and the new monkey on my back, Space OAR.
@TheMiddleWay Space OAR is fabulous technology, great for the pt. The biggest pain has just been getting it up and running so we are able to do it in the office setting, and of course, trying to get insurance to cover it. Procedure wise, it's a breeze. We do it the same time we place fiducials.
I create systems of organization and solve problems that people will reject and in 6 months to a year claim it was their idea why weren't we doing it all along.
I retired from a TV station that aired progamming for people too cheap to pay for cable. The reason I retired was because my new boss was nothing less or more than a humpy chhuahua. To sumarize this was my job:
Showing kids where to throw up
At least you get paid for that...
@UrsiMajor you're right. I shouldn't complain