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Hi everyone! My niece has been diagnosed with colon cancer. She is 42. They caught it early and her blood work came back good! The thing is my sister has said "God won't take my other child" -her son was murdered 7 years ago. Both my other sisters are saying the same thing. I have to keep my mouth shut, but find it so frustrating and sad they think there is some invisible being that has control of this! Yes, they know I am an Athiest. Keeping my mouth shut I know is the thing to do but its difficult at times!

Presley1209 7 Nov 17

Enjoy being online again!

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It is truly sad and heart-rending when Xtians come out with garbage like " It's Gods will that your child/family member is sick/or dying."
I had this said to me when my 16 year old Daughter and ONLY child, Lorrae was dying from Lymphatic Cancer plus the " God has chosen your daughter to be with him" bit of useless, mindless drivel as well.
It was, and still is, hard to remain in control, say little or nothing at times like those BUT, we Atheists are stronger, more resilient, intellectually and psychologically stable than they are and can ever hope to be.
Stay strong, hopeful, caring and supportive of the one/s who need it the most.

Thank you! I'm sorry to hear about your daughter.

@Presley1209 Thank you for your most kind and sincere thoughts, I hope most ardently that everything remains good for your niece.




I don't envy your position, but I think letting them vent their frustrations in their way is the best course. Luckily the prognosis is good, and with luck, she'll recover quickly. Your sister is obviously scared and angry. It's extremely difficult to be rational under that emotional strain.

JimG Level 8 Nov 17, 2018

Yes, she is and I get that. I feel so bad for them. They already lost 1 child. Its so sad but I do think she will beat this.


Yup hate that!
My brother in law died of colon cancer in his 40's. There was no god involved.

I strongly recommend teaching hospitals for cancer patients. If you need info. I can tell you which basic websites are good.

I information the crap out of cancer. I've had it and it's the only way.


That is just a "no win situation". The only answer I'd have for this is that every time god is mentioned ask "What do the doctors say?" or something along those lines. Perhaps others can figure otu other secular distraction questions....

That's a great solution, for now I digress on my thoughts. Thank you.

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