If you have freewill then how did I get you to read this post?
Some of you are talking this post much too seriously.
How did you get me to read this post exactly? Yes, I read a post you made, but saying you got me to read it is disingenuous. It would be just as logical to say I got you to look at a tree today, or I got you to drive on a road today (I contribute oxygen to the atmosphere, and tax money to support roads via international trade). Just b/c you have an effect doesn't automatically imply you had an affect.
I suppose by a certain logic....you got me to read it because if you hadn’t written it I couldn’t have read it....but that does not confer on you the ability to make me read it. I scroll down the new posts and randomly select a few that may interest me...you got lucky that’s all. I do have free will, and to illustrate that fact I will now move on to the next post which may be more interesting.
You should read Sam Harris "Free Will" - now that is interesting.
@GerryHatric I have.
You didn't. I read everything, including the small print on labels. Not always enlightening, amusing, or satisfying, but I can't know in advance, so I read first and ask questions later.
A very slippery answer.
You have special powers.
I knew you'd say that, but thanks anyway.