I reached level 5! Where are my promised virgins?
Salaam Effendi GerryHatric, but due to increases in production costs and a problem we are experiencing with the Hymetically Resealing unit for women we are sorry to tell you that your 72 virgins will now consist of 2 x 70 year old re-sealed ex-Mothers in Law.
Really Dude, who would want a virgin? They don't know what the fuck they are doing...
You have been reading the Agnistc Hadif. Only trust the real word of Dog in the great spiritual text WOOF, as translated from the drunken English version of Wolf. Besides, those promised virgins are all thirty something comic book nerds (Not that I don't love me some good comics, or a good, redheaded nerd)
You may wish to reread the perks of achieving level 5.