In the land of capitalism, capital is power. Why not use this to our advantage? If a large enough group of people pooled enough money together, we could effectively buy legislation we would like to see passed. What are your thoughts on this? Could it work? What type of legislation would you lobby for?
Justice Democrats. Only back candidates who refuse legalized bribes from super PACs. Universal Healthcare, higher minimum wage, make higher education free or at least so individuals are not stuck with extreme debt when they get out, no private prisons, green energy initiatives. You know? All the common sense things we would be doing if corporate America and Wallstreet didn't run the country for their own self interest.
@TheInterlooper Justice Democrats are usually Democrats but have taken a pledge to not take money from Super-PACs
You can't use the currency of the country you want to influence. You need to establish an alternative means of commerce. Legislation is equally impossible. Change the government.
Ha! The responses I get!
I think the Wolf-PAC crowd is fighting to get money (i.e. lobby groups) out of politics. I've heard Wolf-PAC mentioned in the news that I listen to for, at least, close to a year. But its sad looking at their petition page: 70 signatures with their goal of 5000.
From their website:
Goal: To save democracy in the United States by getting a much needed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will establish elections which are free of the corrupting influence of money in our political system and fair enough that any citizen can run for office, not just millionaires and their allies.
The trouble is that wealth is so unevenly distributed throughout the world that a very small percentage of people (who tend to want to preserve the status quo) own more than half the wealth. Therefore, even if all the rest of us pooled everything we've got, we'd still be unable to outbid them. That's why when the "1%" really over-step the boundaries, as they seem to be doing in many nations right now, the only way to change things is revolution.
@TheInterlooper 50k a month wouldn't even begin to change things.
@TheInterlooper I'm not convinced a lobbying firm would be able to bring about the sort of changes we need, though - I believe we need an entirely new way rather than alterations to the system already in place.